Friday, August 13, 2010

So your wondering...what ever happened to those little birdies?

Separate path in life...

As days went by, the four siblings diverted from one another,
flying as they may with feebleness along their separate paths in life.
I could no longer locate all of them as they traveled in a variety of directions.
Still yet, listening intently I could hear one or two of the chicks distinctively
intermittent chirps.  
Even though these small siblings no longer reside in the nest and are
individually apart, the protective parents are still very much apart of their lives.
The adult Cardinal's protective internal instinct powered up no doubt when the first 
egg became the centerpiece of their abode. This amazing instinct of love beckons
or even compels them to hasten with aid to the location of their offspring's sound.

Living alone...


Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal are always fastidiously close at hand...
flying to and fro...calling, singing and listening for the whereabouts
of their babes.

Always ready to feed and protect them,with their beaks full of food
the caring parents as they may,  make their way flying in the direction
of the chirping sound.
This particular black and white photo is the shadow
of  Mr.Dad Cardinal preparing to deliver food to it's fledgling wherever it may be.

A week or two later, I sadly found one of the chicks dead on the driveway. After close inspection
apparently it died from starvation or dehydration. Hopefully though, the other 3 have
survived and made it onto adulthood.