Friday, August 13, 2010

So your wondering...what ever happened to those little birdies?

Separate path in life...

As days went by, the four siblings diverted from one another,
flying as they may with feebleness along their separate paths in life.
I could no longer locate all of them as they traveled in a variety of directions.
Still yet, listening intently I could hear one or two of the chicks distinctively
intermittent chirps.  
Even though these small siblings no longer reside in the nest and are
individually apart, the protective parents are still very much apart of their lives.
The adult Cardinal's protective internal instinct powered up no doubt when the first 
egg became the centerpiece of their abode. This amazing instinct of love beckons
or even compels them to hasten with aid to the location of their offspring's sound.

Living alone...


Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal are always fastidiously close at hand...
flying to and fro...calling, singing and listening for the whereabouts
of their babes.

Always ready to feed and protect them,with their beaks full of food
the caring parents as they may,  make their way flying in the direction
of the chirping sound.
This particular black and white photo is the shadow
of  Mr.Dad Cardinal preparing to deliver food to it's fledgling wherever it may be.

A week or two later, I sadly found one of the chicks dead on the driveway. After close inspection
apparently it died from starvation or dehydration. Hopefully though, the other 3 have
survived and made it onto adulthood.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Growing Rapidly

Growing and gaining strength rapidly...they move upward to higher branches above the nest.  They are still very delicate at this age.  At first it seemed to me  they couldn't hold onto the branch very long with those fragile legs therefore the need to return to the nest for rest would be essential...however they do not return to the nest...sleeping upright in this position for hours feet clinging to the branches...waking only to eat or to change positions. The temperatures soaring each day in the 90's ,the upper branches apparently are a much cooler habitat for these little cuties.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

First organic salad from my square foot garden!!!

This was just kinda fun, and thanks to Mel Bartholomew for All New Square Foot Gardening.
A great method for growing organic veggies in small spaces. These are cool weather crops of Lettuce, Spinach, Green Onions and Radishes.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Chow time...where's Dad?

As the progression of monitoring these little chicks developed into hours, I couldn't help but noticed a very interesting routine these cardinal  parents display.  Working together to ensure the care of their chicks... it seemed the mommy of this brood is in charge of keeping the nest clean...she will continually swoop in very rapidly and remove any bird droppings from the nest, while the dad  (beautiful red cardinal) works engaging in a  meticulous method of feeding this brood throughout the day. It seems by my observation that he ensures each baby gets their fair share of food...none are left out.  However, I did notice the female feeds the babies too...though somewhat sporadically.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Back to Nature

Quadruplets....that's what they are...4 identical new born Cardinals. I found these cuties in my Rose of Sharon tree outside my living room window. After closer inspection of this remarkable find, I decided to photograph them.  I'll continue to monitor their progress and keep you posted.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day!

Memorial Day was officially proclaimed in 1868... It is a day set remember and honor all the brave soldiers, past and present...who sacrificed their family and personal life so that we could enjoy our families and our freedom...
An extraordinary accolade goes out to you my dear fighting men and women who sacrificed your time, your family even your life so that myself, my family, and friends could be free!
God Bless You and America Too!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Recycled Bottle Torch

If you love the outdoors in the evening...
or  plan to entertain outdoors and want to create the perfect ambiance...
these low cost  torch's will set the perfect mood...

Recycle colorful bottles into dynamic lighting outdoors...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Orange is the New Black

I must say after a long hard winter...bright orange never looked sweeter....except maybe in the 60's and 70's...

Yes... it is a perfect accent color for browns and blacks, greens and yellows...even white...Vibrant orange adds cheerful dynamics to any room...wardrobe  or even a wedding!  So say good-by to boring dull  frumpless up your up your abode...
And let me mention...pairing orange with sunny yellow...its a color aroma sensed through the eyes...voila...dull lifeless brain cells are signaled  to awaken...its therapeutic....I call it "aroma-eye-therapy".
I must say...therefore I will say..staring at orange is like flipping the light switch on...super-upper mood changing....
That's what your feeling right about now...bunches of cheerful euphoria...

Vintage ETC. Sign  

Orange Teardrop Shakers 

Mod Orange Folding Desk Lamp

Retro Design Enamel Pot

1960's Vintage Kitten Heels in Orange and Yellow Cloud


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Cleaning...

 I am always looking for a natural way in which to improve a safe Eco balance inside my home  and still experience effective  home cleaning...

For those of you who likewise share these same concerns...if you are looking for an alternative to harmful, chemical laden carcinogenics found in household cleaning will enjoy the alternative...


A Fresh Start: Natural Spring Cleaning

You can handle all your spring cleaning with five common kitchen ingredients.
Lemons are a natural bleaching agent that help brighten white laundry.
Photo By Povy Kendal Atchison

A clean living space makes a house a home. But using harsh chemicals can contaminate your home with toxins, defeating the purpose of all that scrubbing, soaking, washing and dusting. Exposure to chemicals common in household cleaners can have adverse effects on your family’s health. Household cleaners can cause mild irritations; they also have been linked to cancer and asthma. They are responsible for thousands of poisonings every year, mostly of children.

Chemical-laden cleaners pollute our air and water, packing landfills and contaminating water sources and marine habitats after being washed down sewer systems. Petroleum-based cleaners and plastic packaging also help deplete nonrenewable natural resources.

Fortunately, nature provides simple, effective materials that clean and disinfect naturally, leaving your home clean and safe. Just open up your cupboards—five simple, nontoxic items can handle all of your household cleaning.
Lemons are natural disinfectants because of their antibacterial properties. For many, the refreshing citrus smell exemplifies cleanliness.
• Cut a lemon in half and use it to clean wooden chopping boards or to help remove stains from countertops. Let the lemon juice sit for a while, then wipe clean. Avoid marble and granite surfaces because the acid can be corrosive. (Try club soda instead.)
• Dip a cut lemon in coarse salt and scrub copper-bottomed pots and pans. Use the same preparation to help dissolve soap and hard water stains in sinks. Throw the used lemon into your compost pile for eco-friendly waste disposal.
• Odors and bacteria can build up over time in your garbage disposal. Place a whole lemon in your garbage disposal and turn it on for a quick, easy way to clean this hard-to-reach area (chop it into chunks if your disposal has trouble processing large items).
LaundryLemons are natural bleaching agents that can help brighten white linens and clothing. Add 1/2 cup of lemon juice to the rinse cycle to brighten whites and give them a fresh citrus smell.
Good old-fashioned table salt can be used as an abrasive cleaner.
Abrasive coarse salt can help remove stains, caked-on food or mildew on stovetops and in bathtubs, or anywhere scratching is not a concern. Mix baking soda with salt to whiten while scrubbing away grime.

For more natural cleaning solutions go to:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I've wrapped the idea of creating a blog around my brain for over a year ...well yesterday, procrastination halted...dead in its tracks...
I jumped into the blog world with both feet...and of course it became an all day project. I must say all day and some night...
After many long frustrating hours reading tutorials...many eyeball videos later and implementing subsequent how-to's-...with retry after retry...
Success!... my 2 scrolling widgets made their debut...ya hoo!
Then I proceeded to change my locate the perfect template takes hours upon hours of eyeball exercise...which of course is a boring expenditure to no avail.
So my 3lbs of gray matter suggested I create a custom template by tweaking HTML...
I know what your thinking...this women has  lost her mind...
well you could be right...however maybe I'll find it later...

My desire is to create  2 sidebars... with the body for posting in the middle.  Tweak after tweak in HTML and then after many more tweaks...discovery loomed of 30 or more ways in which a favorable outcome was not to be. Subsequently numerous tweaks  brought on drowsing stress to which my eyes closed for the night.
So...this morning,
As you can see after many attempts no right and left sidebars cohesively exist as yet...however I'm not one to throw in the towel or raise the white flag... I will overcome and I will strive to succeed... I will have 2 sidebars!...
Least way someday soon ...when more hours allow.
For the moment my insides are yearning for a  2nd Venti soy milk, "organic myan black oxyx " coffee...Resistance is futile...
Bye for now...